Just need 20 minutes to get covid if you wear a fabric mask: study

Data shows if two people are without masks and one of them is infected, the infection will spread in 15 minutes. If the second person wore a cloth mask, the virus will take 20 minutes.

The effectiveness of various types of masks on the radar because the spread of omicrons once again proves the need for an effective first defense shield. According to recent observations made by scientists and experts, fabric masks may not provide sufficient protection against the virus.

According to the American Hygienists Conference of the Government Industry, the N95 mask is the best to offer maximum protection against virus transmission. It takes at least 2.5 hours to transmit an infection from one person to another if the infected person doesn’t even wear a mask. If both wear N95 masks, the virus will take 25 hours to transmit. Surgical masks offer better protection than fabric masks even though data shows that if the infected person does not wear a mask and the second person wore a surgical mask, the infection can transmit in 30 minutes.

While many people choose the fabric mask over N95 for convenience, experts recommend cooking cloth masks with surgical models. Fabric masks with just one layer can block larger droplets but small aerosols are not blocked by cloth shields. Fabric masks or surgical masks will not make a lot of differences if the variant is very contagious.

Why fabric mask may be ineffective against omicron

Omicron is a variant that spreads the fastest from SARS-COV-2. People with two and three vaccination doses are infected by infection. So, the first line of defense needs to be activated with the corresponding behavior of Covid begins with a masking. Data shows if two people do not wear masks and one of them is infected, the infection will spread in 15 minutes. If the second person wore a cloth mask, the virus will take 20 minutes. If both are wearing a cloth mask, the infection will spread in 27 minutes.

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