Research reveals exercising for 11 minutes each day might improve your health

When you can’t fit into your old clothes, it is an alarm that you are gaining weight. However, working out doesn’t just mean losing weight. Whether you lose weight at a faster pace or gain weight without having control over your sedentary lifestyle, understand it is affecting your lifespan. A recent study has turned out to be the BNN news today and shows that even 11 minutes of moderate or vigorous workout can help to keep your body fit, active, and healthy.

You may have seen that serious health concerns like premature death, cancer risk, and cardiovascular issues have increased over the past few years. The lifestyle that we are living these days is not just hectic; it has also made it challenging for us to follow a healthy plan. However, you can beat such a routine by actually starting with 11 minutes of workout too.

There are different activities like dancing, walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming that can pace your heart rate and keep you active throughout. You can determine the intensity level of an activity by monitoring your heart rate and how hard you’re breathing as you move. If you’re able to talk but not sing during an activity, it is likely of moderate intensity.

Heart rate and breathing rate are useful indicators of exercise intensity. As the body works harder, the heart rate and breathing rate increase to supply more oxygen to the muscles. By monitoring these factors, you can get a sense of how hard you are working and whether the activity is light, moderate, or vigorous.

What does the research show?

As per the findings, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week can lead to a 23% lower risk of early death. It equates to about 11 minutes of activity per day. The finding that 11 minutes of activity per day can lead to a lower risk of early death is encouraging, as it suggests that even small amounts of physical activity can have an impact on health outcomes. However, it’s important to remember that individual factors such as age, fitness level, and health status can affect exercise intensity, so it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.

How working out can help you better

A high level of psychical activity is associated with a low risk of premature death and chronic illness. Even past research shows that the outcomes are often affected by the workout and its intensity.

The University of Cambridge scientists further on it by considering the data from different studies that had adult participants’ lifestyles followed for 10 years. The British Journal of Sports Medicine published the latest study results.

The study focused more on the participants who had a minimum of 150 minutes of workout every day to 22 minutes daily. It compared the participants who were not active. It showed that people with moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity weekly had 30% less risk of dying from any cause and 29% less risk of dying due to cardiovascular illness.

Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen described this study as a systematic review of the original research. She is a public health professor and an emergency physician who was not a part of this research. However, she believes a strong connection between physical activity and a lower risk of stroke and cancer. The research has confirmed it.


With this BNN news today, at least one thing is certain: a little workout daily can help with health improvements and better immune functioning. It can also have a good impact on the heart, lung health, level of inflammation, cholesterol, body fat amount, and hypertension, to name a few. If you are still not confident about going on a workout, give yourself 150 minutes weekly to focus on a workout.

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